Natasha Hirst

For General Secretary of the National Union of Journalists

a side angle of natasha speaking from the podium, on a large stage. On the front of the podium, reads the slogan winning at work. in the background is a large screen showing natasha and the motion title, ending the low pay no pay culture in the arts

Photo © Jess Hurd

I am proud to be your current NUJ president and a freelance ​photojournalist. I am standing to become your General ​Secretary.

I stand on a track record of supporting our members across the ​union, defending our values and raising our profile externally.

I’ve led work to tackle inequality, protect our members’ mental ​health, and improve how we recruit and engage more diverse ​and younger members.

My professional and personal lived experience is unique and ​offers you a choice for a different type of leadership.

This election is your opportunity to determine how we shape our ​union to meet the challenges ahead.

Get in touch with your questions:

Or find me on: LinkedIn, Twitter/X, Instagram, Medium

handwritten signature reading natasha
natasha, with dark brown hair past her shoulders wearing a white t shirt with a large green NUJ logo on the front.
natasha with long brown hair and a red top with her fist in the air giving a speech at the podium at congress 2022

Photo © Jess Hurd

My track record of fighting for our members and the ​industries we work in is extensive.

Search for me online and you’ll see how the principles of ​ethics, fairness and diversity have formed the ​cornerstone of my work as a photojournalist and as a ​union activist.

You’ll find dozens of statements and resources that I’ve ​produced on the NUJ website. You’ll also find ​conferences and webinars that I have organised to ​support our members.

My work has been informed by spending time talking to ​our members in branches and chapels, on our councils, ​on our picket lines. I’ve done this work as a volunteer lay ​rep.

In my daily journalistic work I speak to and work with members and potential members across newspapers, ​magazines, broadcasting, PR and communications, publishing, digital and beyond. I know the challenges that staff ​and freelances experience, because I am there, working alongside you.

I’m an experienced public speaker who can raise the external profile ​of our union

I regularly represent the NUJ at external conferences, as a ​key speaker, chair or panellist on topics from media freedom ​to AI to ethics. I’ve also delivered dozens of talks to ​universities and schools.

a diverse group of five people sitting on chairs in front of a screen wearing headphones

Speaking on a panel at the Publishing Show ​2023 on diversity and the future of the media.

I’ve been a delegate and delegation leader at over 20 TUC ​Equalities conferences.

I use these platforms to educate the union movement about ​the challenges our members face and build solidarity for ​our campaigns.

Futureproofing our union, for all of us

Representation matters. Our union needs members from all backgrounds to influence our policy and campaigns. ​We need the diversity in our newsrooms that reflects the diversity in our audiences.

We can tell our story and share our values in a way that connects with a wider group of members and potential ​members to inspire pride and engagement in the work we do.

Members are rightly concerned that ongoing subs rises will price them out of membership as they struggle to cope ​with cost-of-living increases and the lasting effects of the Covid pandemic.

Across the industries we represent, our members are dealing with unsustainably low starting salaries, brutal cuts ​and redundancies and freelance rates that haven’t risen in well over a decade. Our industrial work remains vital ​for challenging this.

Attempts to diversify our commercial ventures as a landlord haven't yet created the hoped-for income. A bold new ​recruitment strategy is needed if we are to survive as a strong independent union.

My journey into journalism and through the NUJ is shaped by the barriers I’ve experienced in life. The NUJ has ​been here for me and I will do everything in my power to ensure that our union continues to serve every member ​that needs us.

My expertise covers a broad range of policy areas, industrial sectors ​and nations

As a photojournalist and activist, I am constantly learning from others. I often cover the events, demonstrations ​and campaigns of other trade unions, giving me an insight into how they successfully organise. Lobbying in a ​devolved nation has built valuable experience of influencing innovation and political change outside Westminster.

Chairing a panel discussion for managers on ​supporting disabled staff in the workplace.

Speaking at a media freedom symposium on the​ scourge of SLAPPS.​

My election statement

I passionately care about the NUJ and the positive impact that we create for our members ​and the industries we represent. I bring the professional, trade union and personal ​experience that is necessary for us to meet the urgent need to adapt to an ever-changing ​industry and secure our future as an independent professional union.

My leadership is marked by strong collaboration, networking and building teams across ​the union that work to people’s strengths. This has been actioned throughout my time as a ​lay rep and president by providing opportunities and building the confidence of activists. ​I’ve ensured that a range of members’ voices can influence our policies and work. I have ​delivered networks, events and spaces to engage members and will continue to develop ​that to ensure our democratic structures work for our members.

I continue to be a strong voice for members, raising our profile and promoting our ​professional and trade union values, challenging obstructions to media freedom and ​campaigning against precarious working conditions to protect jobs, pay, and freelance ​rights.

The current General Secretary has worked hard to achieve financial stability and create ​a union with political clout and a strong industrial approach. My priorities are to ​strategically build on this by:

  • Developing a union-wide organising strategy to improve recruitment and retention, ​that promotes the value of the NUJ as a specialist union, whilst recognising the ​challenges experienced by our members during the cost-of-living crisis.
  • Strengthening capacity to boost our internal and external communications, brand ​awareness and visibility, especially though the use of multimedia content.
  • Working with the Parliamentary Group, wider union movement and others to protect ​media freedom, journalists’ safety and to bring pressure on employers who are ​hostile to the power of the collective.
  • Continuing our international and solidarity work with the IFJ to protect journalists and ​journalism worldwide.
  • Providing opportunities for student and early career members to feel supported and ​able to influence our policies and campaigns to reflect contemporary challenges in ​our industry.

As a freelance photojournalist, the NUJ has been here for me when I’ve needed support. I ​continue to communicate the relevance of the NUJ to freelances, workers in small workplaces ​and newer forms of journalism, alongside our traditional membership base and those well-​established in their careers. I advocate for increasing diversity across our industries and ​protecting our members’ welfare and mental health.

young member Polly on the left with natasha on the right, both wearing NUJ t-shirts and strike stickers with an NUJ banner in the background on the picket line in Cardiff

Join my supporters!

Dara Bradley (NEC, West of Ireland Branch)

Catherine Brereton (NEC, Books Branch)

Johny Cassidy (NEC, Disabled Members’ Council, BBC)

Simon Chapman (NEC, Photographers’ Council)

James Doherty (NEC, Scotland seat)

Nigel Dickinson (NEC, Photographers’ Council)

Liz Else (NEC, London Magazine Branch)

Chris Frost (NEC, Chair Ethics Council, Chair Finance Committee)

Anna Herve, (NEC, Books Branch)

Cristina Lago (NEC, London Magazine Branch)

Cailin Mackenzie (NEC, Continental Europe Council)

David Nicholson (NEC, Welsh Executive Council)

Behrang Tajdin, (NEC, Chapel Chair BBC Persian TV)

Murthaza Ali-Hassan (Student, South Wales Branch)

Graeme Anderson (Chair, Sunderland, Shields & Hartlepool Branch)

Adam Christie (Former President, Leeds and West Yorkshire Branch)

Lynn Degele (Chair, Oxford Branch, Disabled Members’ Council)

Andrew Draper (South Wales Branch, Equality Council)

Jamie Ellis (Freelance, South Wales Branch)

Julio Etchart (Photographer, London Freelance Branch)

Mark Fisher (Freelance, Scottish Executive Council, Secretary, Edinburgh Freelance Branch)

Michael Foley (Ethics Council, former NEC, IEC and FoC/Chapel Chair Irish Times)

Ann Galpin (Chair, Disabled Members’ Council, TUC Disabled Workers’ Committee)

Claire Harris (Chair Scottish Executive Council, Disabled Members’ Council, former chair BBC ​Glasgow and Edinburgh Chapel)

Di Harris (South West England Branch)

Rae Howells (Freelance, South Wales Branch)

Jess Hurd (Photojournalist, London Freelance Branch)

Jonathan Jewell (PR and Communications Branch, Ethics Council, Health & Safety Committee)

Sara Lewis (Chair, Brussels Branch, Continental Europe Council, Vice Chair, Equality Council)

Bernie Ní Fhlatharta (Freelance, Former NEC and Irish Executive Council)

Jason N. Parkinson (Freelance videojournalist, London Freelance Branch)

Mindy Ran (Netherlands Branch, Former IFJ Gender Council)

Jenny Sims (Freelance, Chair, 60+ Council)

Bob Smith (Freelance photographer and writer, Equality Officer Leeds and West Yorks Branch, ​Former Chapel Chair/FoC Newsquest Group Chapel)

Phil Sutcliffe (London Freelance Branch)

Polly Zaffino (Freelance, South Wales Branch)

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Jess Hurd, Photojournalist: “Natasha has been an ​exemplary NUJ representative at every level. ​Currently as our President she is a strong ​campaigner and advocate. I have photographed her ​at many trade union gatherings and her contributions ​always make me proud to be an NUJ member. On a ​personal, representative level she gets the job done, ​she is calm and conscientious, every request for help ​is followed up to its successful conclusion. Don’t just ​vote for Natasha, I urge colleagues to campaign for ​her as she has campaigned for you.”

Jonathan Jewell, PR and Communications Branch:

“I wholeheartedly support Natasha Hirst’s candidacy for ​General Secretary of the NUJ. As President, Natasha ​has been an incredible advocate for our branch and ​members, always going above and beyond to ensure our ​voices are heard. Her unwavering support and ​dedication have been instrumental in our successes. ​Natasha’s tireless efforts across the union, from ​championing member rights to spearheading key ​initiatives, showcase her exceptional leadership and ​commitment. Her proactive approach and genuine care ​for every member make her the ideal candidate to lead ​us forward.”

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Claire Harris, Chair Scottish Executive Council, former chair BBC Glasgow and Edinburgh Chapel :

“I’m proud to support Natasha to be General Secretary of the NUJ.

Natasha has been an active and constructive voice for all members for many years. She is proactive in forging links ​with other agencies to improve the lives of members, and her reputation as a change maker is without question.

As our President, she is in a unique position to offer a different focus for our Union.

It is plain we can’t continue as we have been; declining membership, inactive branches and weakening of our ​collective voice means we need change, and Natasha is best placed to make it.

Her deep understanding of the issues we face, her lived experiences, and her commitment to fortifying the NUJ and ​the important work we all do is why we need Natasha as General Secretary now more than ever.

I sit alongside her on the Disabled Members Council, and I’m constantly inspired by her dedication, proactive ​nature, and commitment to changing the playing field for us.

As Chair of the Scottish Executive Committee, I learn from her and return that in our own committee to improve ​member experiences.

Natasha is the best General Secretary we can ask for.

Vote for Natasha.”

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Jason N. Parkinson, Freelance videojournalist:

“Natasha Hirst is an incredibly hard-working NUJ ​representative and trade unionist. As well as former ​Chair of the Equalities Council, she is also chair of the ​Photographer’s Council and in that role has always ​been the first to get in touch to support photographers ​and videographers whenever issues are raised, from ​my experience particularly around safety when covering ​hostile situations and on all press freedom issues. She ​is thorough and follows every issue raised through to a ​final outcome. I will be voting for Natasha in the election ​for the new NUJ General Secretary and I urge everyone ​also to give her their full support.”

Phil Sutcliffe, London Freelance Branch:

“Vote Natasha! And not just because she is ​herself among the several NUJ minorities of ​freelances, photographers, deaf/disabled people, ​women, but because she's always taken the ​widest view of the union membership and what ​we can do together, worked for years as an ​elected rep in so many areas and now had 18 ​months, since she was elected President, of high-​level experience, sweet and sour, covering the ​entire journo waterfront. Nobody better to ​represent the entire pack or cat herd of us and ​command respect for the whole wide range of ​stuff we get up to on behalf of everything from ​giving civilised democracy an even break to ​ascending the heights of culture to having an ​almighty laugh despite it all.”

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Cristina Lago, Co-chair Equality Council

“I’m backing Natasha Hirst for general secretary ​because she’s the leader we need at the NUJ. I don’t ​know many members as committed and dedicated to ​their union as Natasha is. She truly believes in ​democracy – true democracy! – and will always go ​the extra mile to empower members, particularly ​those who are not heard or properly represented in ​the NUJ.

I’ve worked with her at the equality council and ​shared delegations at the TUC Women’s and LGBT ​conferences and I’ve witnessed first-hand the strong, ​transparent, passionate, inclusive and hard-working ​leader she is. Natasha is the general secretary we ​need to reach out to all those media workers out ​there who don’t know us or think the NUJ is not their ​union. A vote for Natasha is a win for all members ​and media workers.”

Sara Lewis, Chair Brussels Branch

“Natasha is an ordinary member with extraordinary ​leadership skills. I worked closely with Natasha when ​she was Chair of the Equality Council (I'm Vice Chair) ​and witnessed first-hand how she always makes every ​single person feel like they matter and have been ​heard. It's easy to lead people when you all agree, it's ​when you don't that it's hard and there Natasha comes ​into her own, bringing people together in a way that ​keeps everybody happy.

Being a freelance like me and so many of our members ​means Natasha gets what it is to face late payments ​and all the other difficulties we experience. She gets it ​because she's lived it.

Nobody has done more to encourage young members ​to get involved in the NUJ and without them we have no ​future. We have to increase recruitment, and Natasha ​has so many great ideas on that front. Let's take the ​NUJ in a new and exciting direction, vote Natasha Hirst ​for General Secretary.”

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Engage with me on

Come along to one of a series of hustings taking place across the union. This is your opportunity to listen to both ​candidates and ask questions. Branches are responsible for organising hustings, and many are doing joint ones. ​More details soon.

This is a statutory election which requires a postal ballot.

Ballot papers will be sent to members beginning the w/c 16th September

Ballots must be returned by the 7th October